In collaboration with international organizations in Emergency Medicine, we are making October the #StopTheStigmaEM Month. We believe that physicians deserve to get mental health support without stigma or barriers. Part of this effort is to recognize the humanness of physicians (#doctorsarehumanstoo) and realize that our joys and stressors are often shared throughout our community. Through the use of art and shared experiences, we hope to convey our common humanity as physicians, healers, and human beings. We invite you to explore the creative ways other colleagues in medicine have expressed their experience in managing their mental and emotional health and well-being.


Life OUtside of Work

We are all humans and one of the most important aspect of our lives is how we spend it outside of the hospital! Share your hobbies and passions.


A break from the norm helps break up the monotony and provide a relaxing break from the hospital. Share with us your recent travels and staycations.

Meaning Through Mentorship

None of us got to our current position without help and guidance from those before us. We’re taking this opportunity to highlight them!

Fellowship With Food

Food doesn’t only provide sustenance, but can contribute to cultures, provide history, and connect us to past generations. Share your favorite recipes or recent creations.