
It is just as important for our self-care for us give our minds a moment to rest. For some this is enjoying their hobbies and focusing on mindfulness. For others, this may be a relaxing day on a sandy beach next to some tropical waves. Others may love and cherish that rainy day inside their apartment reading next to a candle. In whatever way, shape, or form you find a way out of the hospital to spend time alone or share it with loved ones, we want to be the first to help celebrate it.

Part of being able to #StopTheStigmaEM is celebrating and highlighting those everyday life choices we make that help to contribute to our mental health, provide self-compassion and proves that #doctorsarehumantoo. Just as important as grand sweeping wellness curriculums are those decisions that provide comfort, peace, and tranquility in our lives. Let us know, where do you find this? Share with us your latest vacation, or dream staycation, or any combination in between!


Montreal - Jennifer Tang, MD, FRCPC MHsc

I recently went on vacation to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It was a wonderful opportunity to rest and recharge. I slept well, ate well and saw some thought provoking art. This is a photo of one of my walks near the campus of McGill university.


Komodo Islands - Al'ai Alvarez, MD

My recent scuba diving trip was in the Komodo Islands. While there's something about swimming with sharks and manta rays and being on the lookout for seahorses, the basic tenet of scuba diving is controlled breathing, which essentially is an hour’s worth of meditative breathing. Underwater is a fascinating world to be an observer in, and even taking photos takes patience and balance with breathing and buoyancy. I find scuba diving as one of the most calming, restorative experiences. I took up scuba diving during my intern year at Jacobi and have been diving every year since then.


Coming Soon

Had a recent amazing trip? Don’t forget to submit your story today to be featured!